Welcome to the BVPG website. Here at Blackpool Vehicle Preservation Group (BVPG) we are a group of vehicle enthusiasts.
in 1982, we are not just a classic car club, many of us own vehicles other than cars and some do not
own a
vehicle but have a keen interest in the motoring world.
If you share our interest, please come along to a club meeting or event and meet some friendly,
like minded
people, click "Latest News" for forthcoming events.
Each year we have an Annual General Meeting in October, this includes voting in our committee
members for the following 12 months. For more information on the committee members, please see our
Contacts section.
If you have any questions about our group, please do not hesitate to call our Chairperson, Dave Evans.
New venue for our monthly meetings
Our monthly meetings are now held at Blackpool Cricket Club. Scroll down to our
Membership section to find out more.
2025 shows
Our 2025 shows are now confirmed, visit our Our Shows section to find out more and download an entry form.
You can now find us on Facebook.
Read on to find out more about our monthly meetings and
We hold two shows each year across the Blackpool and Fylde area
which are proving more and more popular year on year
often hundreds of exhibits on display from 1920s to date such as cars, motorbikes and
military vehicles.
Guests and club members are
invited to exhibit their vehicles at the events.
During the shows judges will
make their way around all the exhibits and award points,
resulting in trophies being presented to the worthy winners.
We return for another day for both exhibitors and vehicle owners.
Italian Gardens at Stanley Park, Blackpool,
FY3 9HU.
We're looking forward to another busy event of vehicles and stationary engines.
Lytham Green, Lytham,
FY8 5QJ.
Throughout the year we have regular monthly meeting from 7:30pm at
Ashworth Room at Blackpool Cricket Club,
Barlow Crescent, Stanley Park, Blackpool,
FY3 9EQ. Topics have included "The history of Scammel trucks" and "Online transport archive (Blackpool & Fylde)".
Don't worry if you're not yet a member, come along and see what you think, you can always join
on the night.
Thursday 13th March: David Hoyle on the History of Lytham.
Thursday 10th April: Shirley Mathews on Windmills.
Thursday 8th May: Barry Wood on Transport.
Thursday 11th September: Dave Evans.
We also have Special Events periodically, with a Concours Evening
where prizes are award for the Best Vehicle and a Christmas Do. More details for members are within the November
Newsletter, alternatively contact a member of the Committee for more details.
Thursday 12th June: Chairman’s Choice event with buffet.
Thursday 10th July: Concours Evening with buffet.
Christmas Do: Details will be announced nearer to December.
Chris Abbott
enquiries@bvpg.co.uk07835 646782
Dave Evans
fx4cab@gmail.com07970 663904
Bill Swindlehurst
wswindlehurst@talktalk.net01772 633369
Ian Clark
iclark6795@aol.comDanny Martinez Aragon